Diocesan Notices and events
Diocesan run events
Liturgy of the Word with Children - Saturday 13 May 2023 9.30-1pm The St Philip Howard Centre, 4 Southgate Drive, Crawley.
Training for liturgy leaders. Book your place through the diocesan website. If you wish to discuss your engagement with this training please email E: Katherine.bergin@abdiocese.org.uk
National Marriage Week - 7-14 February 2023
For many of us being married is the manner in which we live out the calling from our Lord to live our Christian life – our vocation. Why not take some time particularly this week to reflect with your spouse on the joys of being Married and give thanks to God for the gifts he has given you.
Are you a priest or active parishioner who wants to see your parish come alive?
East Brighton Parish and Divine Renovation invite you and your parish to their upcoming DR Open House on Saturday 18 March 2023, at the new Fitzherbert Community Hub in Brighton. Save the date for a day where you will connect with parishes that have come alive by pursuing mission, hear inspiring stories of what they’ve learned on their journey, and be encouraged by seeing hope for what is possible in your own parish. Find out more at W: www.divinerenovation.org/openhouse or contact E:Jon.Harman@abdiocese.org.uk for more information.
To find out about and book events hosted by the Diocese please visit our website events calendar W: https://www.abdiocese.org.uk/diocese/events

Diocesan Inclusion
Diocesan Inclusion
The diocesan Inclusion Adviser Margaret Fraher is available to advise about access to all diocesan, deanery or parish, liturgies, events, and groups and can be contacted by individuals or parishes regarding specific needs and how best to meet them.
E: margaret.fraher@abdiocese.org.uk or M: 07508459315. When signing up for an event on the diocesan website please remember to specify if you have a particular need or challenge, so that Margaret can get in touch with you.

Young Children and the Bible
Young Children and the Bible
Very young children enjoy investigating the world around them and can be very visual. The God Who Speaks team have created another 'Top 10' list exploring animals in the Bible, with the under five age group very much in mind. Visit their website to find out more.